
From time-to-time, you may find people in your business may have moved on or retired. Therefore it might be necessary to remove their staff profiles from your website.

This guide will explain how you can go about this. Use the anchor links below to jump to the relevant section:

How to delete a single staff profile
How to delete multiple staff profile
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How to delete a single staff profile

For cases where you would like to remove a sinlgle person, the process of deletion is quite straightforward. There are two ways to do this.

1 – From All Staff Profiles

Login and click the Staff Profiles link. This will display a table overview of all your staff profiles.

Should you wish to remove someone who has left or retired, find their name from the list and hover over it.

Some options appear when you do. One of them will be listed as ‘Bin’, which will be in red. Simply click that link and it will place the profile in the Bin section. You do not need to save, the process is done and updated automatically. The profile will no longer be on your website.

2 – From the individual profile

Alternatively, you can delete when you are on the individual profile page. From the listing, find their name and hover over it. Click the option for ‘edit’. This will take you to the person’s profile page.

On the right hand side you will see a box for ‘publish’. Within that box there will be an option to ‘move to bin’, again in red. Click that and the profile will be transferred to the bin. You do not need to save, the process is done and updated automatically. The profile will no longer be on your website.

Whatever option you pick, you have now sucessfully remove a staff profile.

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How to delete multiple staff profiles

Should you wish to remove multiple profiles, click the checkbox next to each relevant listing. Once done, at the top of the table there will be a drop-down for ‘bulk actions’.

This allows you to perform actions in bulk. Select ‘move to bin’ as your option and click the ‘apply’ button next to it.

All of the select profiles will then be transferred to the bin and will not show up on your website.

That’s it, all selected staff profiles are now removed from your website!

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We trust this guide has helped but if you have any questions, please get in touch at:

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