September’s monthly PracticeWeb documents go out to subscribers on Friday, just as summer recess ends for children and politicians alike.

With Brexit unresolved and a new chancellor in place, speculation is mounting ahead of a potential Budget in October 2019.

Some rumours have trickled through to this month’s Insider and Wealth Knowledge, giving glimpses of what may be in store. 

We’ve also made sure to cover reverse charge VAT for construction services coming in on 1 October. We’ll be monitoring developments on that and providing more information as it emerges.

This month’s Active Practice Updates focus on the quirks and foibles of VAT, and how residence or domicile status affects how much tax your clients might owe in the UK.

The Financial Updates offer insight into ethical investments, and using pensions as a tax-efficient strategy to pass on wealth. 

The Business & Tax Pack for accountancy practices

  • Thoroughly researched and professionally written white-label content
  • 2 x Active Practice Updates and 1 x Insider 
  • Fully-branded PDFs and a customisable Word document emailed to your inbox
  • Written for the clients and prospects of practising accountants 
  • Accuracy checked by an accountancy partner

The FInancial Updates Bundle for financial advisers

  • Thoroughly researched and professionally written white-label content
  • 2 x Finance Updates, 1 x Wealth Knowledge
  • Fully-branded PDFs and a customisable Word document emailed to your inbox
  • Written for the clients and prospect of independent financial advisers
  • Compliance checked by an industry professional

Find out more: White-label content for accountants and financial advisers.

Advice on using white-label content

Our white-label content goes out to hundreds of accountants and financial advisers each month. 

While it reflects each company’s brand, there is potential for duplicate content appearing on your website to harm your Google ranking. 

If you copy unedited content from your Word doc and publish it online, make sure it is no-indexed first. 

Alternatively, put your own stamp on our white-label content to provide unique content for distribution to your clients and prospects. This is by far the best approach, even if it means investing a bit more time.