Speculation was mounting that next month’s Spring Budget 2020 may be postponed, following Sajid Javid’s resignation as chancellor.

The fiscal event was thrown into doubt after Javid quit and the date of the next Budget was a matter for the new chancellor, Rishi Sunak.

Transport Minister Grant Shapps also threw the date into doubt, telling the Andrew Marr Show that Sunak needed “a few days to decide”.

Fortunately, Sunak tweeted that he was “cracking on with preparations” while confirming the Spring Budget will go ahead as planned on 11 March.


For us at PracticeWeb, it’s very much a case of as you were. 

We’ve been prepared since October last year, even obsessing over the 6 November Budget, before it was cancelled to make way for the general election.

What Sunak has up his sleeve is anyone’s guess. He could pay lip service to Javid’s speech or rip it up and start again. 

Whatever goes down next month, a range of engaging, relevant content will be with you to share with your clients and prospects. 

Here’s an overview of what we’ll be doing for Spring Budget 2020.

Cover choices

You can select one of the five following Spring Budget 2020 covers:

PracticeWeb's Spring Budget 2020 covers

You can see space for your front-page branding, which includes:

  • logo
  • disclaimer 
  • contact details (eg website, phone number, and email address). 

Up to two postal addresses can be displayed on the back-page cover, alongside  your logo. 

Top tip: Pick a colour that matches the core colours of your brand. 

How your Spring Budget 2020 report is made

Your report will be largely written by a team of three partners from two accountancy practices based here in Bristol. 

Between them, they have decades of experience working on this type of report, as well as in interpreting and applying tax law in the real world.

They will quality-assure any content written by our editors to ensure the report is accurate before landing in your inbox or on your website. 

One of our editors will write the introduction and most of the web content, and manage the design and delivery of your branded reports.

If you have a website with us…

You will receive the following on Thursday 12 March 2020:

  • news stories covering expectations, headline announcements and industry reaction to Spring Budget 2020
  • branded email newsletter sent to your registered users, linking back to the report on your website

And, if your website package also includes our Business and Tax Pack content product, you’ll also receive by email:

  • 2 x fully-branded, in-depth PDF versions of your Spring Budget 2020 report
  • 1 x unbranded Word version of your report

If we built your website more than two years ago, on our old Landscape platform, your Spring Budget 2020 report will be in the ‘Tax’ section as usual. 

If you just receive our report…

By 9am on Thursday, 12 March 2020, you will receive an email containing links to three versions of your Spring Budget 2020 report. 

  • Web version: a fully-branded PDF suitable for sending as an email attachment or uploading to your website.
  • Print version: a fully-branded PDF with crop and bleed marks if you want to have this professionally printed.
  • Word version: an unbranded, plain text Word version.

How to use white-label content

Our Spring Budget 2020 report forms part of our white-label content and goes out to hundreds of practices. 

With that, you should be aware of the potential for duplicate content. This is unedited content that appears on your website and others’.

If you copy unedited content from your Spring Budget 2020 Word doc and paste into the back end of your website, ensure it is no-indexed before publishing it

The other option is to repurpose our report for distribution to your clients and assuming you have the time, this is the best approach.

Get in touch

You can purchase our Spring Budget 2020 report by becoming a publishing client up to 24 hours before the chancellor delivers his speech, or you can purchase as a one-off report.

If you would like to discuss buying our report, call the sales team on 0117 915 0420.

To update your logo, disclaimer, office addresses or contact details, email support@practiceweb.co.uk