PracticeWeb’s Budget report is an important product – it’s one of the few times in the year when everyone’s attention is focused on tax and fiscal policy and a great opportunity for practices to connect with their clients.

In a year of extreme political turmoil, however, something odd has happened: an entire fiscal event has gone missing. The Budget that was scheduled for 6 November has been postponed and with an election now set for 12 December, it’s all but impossible that Budget 2019 will take place before the end of the calendar year.

As far as we can tell, in discussion with our contacts at the Treasury and our colleagues at AccountingWEB, this is unprecedented. Nobody can remember the last year without a major fiscal event in either the spring or autumn (and March’s Spring Statement lacked anything major).

But having spent the past six months obsessing over Government fiscal policy and recruiting a team of expert writers, PracticeWeb isn’t going to give up quite so easily.

We want to make sure you get a chance to reach out to your clients and help them understand what’s going on and how it might affect them.

We know from speaking to partners and firm marketeers that it’s especially important to be able to make contact in the run up to self-assessment season and, in the absence of the bumper Budget we were expecting, this will offer a meaningful way to do that, positioning yourself as the expert adviser your clients need.

Our editorial team is now working on a special bonus bulletin which subscribers to our Business and Tax Pack and Financial Updates Bundle will receive in mid-November, a little after the date of the cancelled Budget.

It’s very much in development right now but is likely to include:

  • What it means when a Budget doesn’t happen
  • A summary of the fiscal policies of the main political parties
  • Commentary on how this disruption might affect upcoming changes, eg IR35 extending to the private sector
  • A note on possible Budget dates

And rest assured that when the Budget does come along in the new year, you’ll receive the usual comprehensive report – we’re certainly fully prepped and raring to go.

Read more on Budget 2019.