Is it the end of referrals?

Is it the end of referrals?

COVID has changed so much in the world, and it has certainly put some barriers in the way of operating referrals plans. In the current climate, if you rely on referrals, we’d suggest that it is even more important than it ever was. It’s essential that your website is capable of making a good first impression to convert people who are referred to you.

Page speed is now a search engine ranking factor – here’s what you need to know

Page speed is now a search engine ranking factor – here’s what you need to know

By the end of August this year, Google will have rolled out its latest update to its search algorithm.

Known as a core web vitals report, it forms part of Google’s page experience metrics. Simply put, this is Google’s way of sizing up your page’s overall user experience. Page speed has always been an important metric. But it’s now being baked into Google’s search algorithm.